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36€ 55 To Get a Kitsch and Sexy Christmas Table!

Posted by
Newstilllifes (Paris, France) on 29 November 2013 in Food & Cuisine.

*36 euros 55 pour se faire une table de Noel kitsch et sexy...

<em> Every Friday (10:30 Paris time) Michel Brillié (www.live-in-paris.com) and Jean-Loup Lafont (www.newstilllifes.com) tell you here, - CHECK INCLUDED - , the most original spending of their week. The tastier. The more alcoholic. The most romantic. If, on your side, you have just experienced an interesting expense, don't hesitate. Our meadows on the Web are vast and you will always be hosted here with style.

<em>Chaque vendredi (10 heures 30, heure de Paris) Michel Brillié (www.live-in-paris.com) et Jean-Loup Lafont (www.newstilllifes.com) vous racontent, - FACTURETTE INCLUSE -, la plus originale de leurs dépenses de la semaine. La plus goûteuse. La plus alcoolisée. La plus romantique. Si, de votre coté, vous venez de vivre une dépense intéressante, n'hésitez pas. Nos prairies du Web sont immenses et vous serez toujours hébergé(e) ici avec chaleur.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II 1/8 second F/14.0 ISO 400 100 mm

The Eiffel Tower is outside the window of the studio where I work, but even so I don’t look at it very often. That’s because in addition to my photos I do a lot of reading. My current hero is Jim Canada, a comic-strip adventurer—I’ve got all his books. As for my still lifes—a journalist friend calls them ‘photos taken by a disturbed adolescent’—I get my ideas from objects I find on my walks. Toys, bits of string and plant matter I’ve picked up in the Bois de Boulogne where I often go walking. My camera’s a bit old but I like it. It’s a Rollei SL66, the classic model with an 80 mm Planar or 150 mm Sonnar lens. When it comes to films I prefer two emulsions which have a reputation for soft colours. I use the Fuji Reala for colour photography and the Kodak T-Max 100 for black-and-white.

omid from mashhad, Iran

:) very nice!
Amazing & lovely !!!!!!!!!

29 Nov 2013 10:45am

L'angevine from Angers, France

oh intéressante la note

30 Nov 2013 6:36pm

Shaahin Bahremand from Tehran, Iran

excellent shot

1 Dec 2013 3:51pm

John Jungklaus from Chase Mills, NY, United States

A very fine composition Jean-Loup !! Super camera work !!! best, john

2 Dec 2013 3:47am

Shaahin Bahremand from Tehran, Iran

excellent shot

9 Dec 2013 2:02pm


Canon EOS 5D Mark II
1/8 second
ISO 400
100 mm
